Collingwood Family History and Ancestry
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Welcome to the Collingwood Family History & Ancestry website!

My name is Gordon Keith Collingwood and I have developed this site to support my quest to establish the roots of the Collingwood family tree.There are of course, many branches to this famous and ancient tree and I hope to be able to verify its origins in England some time in the 11th or 12th century, maybe even further back?

Whilst I don't claim to be directly related to Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood of Trafalgar fame, I have a belief that at some point in the past, possibly many centuries ago, we were all kinsmen of what was possibly one very noble and famous family.

If like me, you share an interest in the surname Collingwood, you will hopefully find this site quite useful in your genealogical research. I commenced a one-name study into the Collingwood name in February 2012 (visit and I have assimilated vast quantities of data and created in excess of 50 different branches of the family tree, which stretch across the globe from Canada, the USA, South Africa, to Australia and New Zealand. My study and this website is very much a 'work in progress' and will be updated regularly. Many sections are still to be completed and you are encouraged to contribute by requesting a log in and sharing your unique information.

My study is a 'labour of love' but it also represents a unique opportunity for all Collingwoods the world over, to collaborate in a project which will impact on many lives, both today and in the future.

If you are a Collingwood and have completed a DNA test and wish to share your results with others, please contact me. My own haplogroup based on the Y chromosome is R1b1a2, which probably doesn't mean a lot to those who are untested. However, if you share this haplogroup, we might just be related!

Please note that the scope of my one-name study embraces anyone who was born with the name Collingwood and does not include the children of Collingwood daughters who have married and assumed a new name. I make no apologies for this. After all, my study is into one specific name, its many variants and deviations. Enjoy your visit and don't hesitate in pointing out any mistakes you may find. I am only human after all!

If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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